The xp_logininfo
is an extended stored procedure used to find the windows Active Directory users
and groups. In the production environment, I have come across colleagues asking
for their permissions on select databases. In such instances, the xp_logininfo
can come handy to check the logins for respective windows users and groups.
Here is a
sample example of parameters and usage of xp_logininfo stored procedure:
The xp_logininfo has three parameters,
@acctname for specifying the windows AD login
@option for specifying to search either ‘members’
of the login or ‘all’ of them
@privilege for getting the output variable from
the command we put in
EXEC master.dbo.xp_logininfo
@privilege='' -- this is not needed
If we would require all the assigned permission path for the AD login specified
EXEC master.dbo.xp_logininfo
EXEC master.dbo.xp_logininfo ' SQLArenaLogin,
If we would
require the members of the AD login specified
EXEC master.dbo.xp_logininfo ' SQLArena_ADTEST, 'members'
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